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Full text of "The Courts Of Europe V-Ii"

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COURTS   OF   PARIS,    NAPLES,    ETC.                273

extent. Her first husband carried her out of town
(to which she never returned in his lifetime) upon
Madame Le Brun sending him in a bill of five
thousand pounds.

This strong south-west wind might have blown
some ships in from Jamaica. I dare not say I
long for their arrival.

March %8th.

Every day takes away part of our hopes;
there are letters by the Jamaica mail, and ac-
counts have been received from Honduras and
other parts of the island. They have seen nothing
of the unfortunate Babet, so that little opening
remains but the chances of capture, which I am
afraid would have been known before now. The
Knox family and Colonel Barry give it up as a
lost case. I write illegibly, for my eyes are dim,
and every letter appears double.

Can it be that the Almighty made my Harry
so good, so perfect, and protected him through so
many perils, to take him away so early ? I can-
not believe it, till compelled by time and circum-
stances. I will still hope, till hope itself shall
turn to despair.

VOL. n                                                        18